Another Thrift

I went by another thrift store after leaving the dentist, I had time and frankly felt I earned some kind of reward.

This thrift supports the YMCA battered women’s shelter. It’s set up like a boutique, a thrift store for people who don’t like thrift stores. Clean, well organized by clothes type and size, better quality goods and decent prices. Stuff cost a little more than my grungy thrifts, no 99 cent stuff but it was cheaper than Goodwill or Sally Ann. They were having a 25% summer sale so prices were even better. I went early, soon as they opened.

I bought stuff but only a few things for myself. Most of the inventory is women’s clothes but they have a small section for men, a section for kids and books. There’s a lot of home decor, items that make good gifts as well. This is my stuff.

Never imagined I’d buy any kind of tank top but we are living in weird times. It’s for yoga, in my room.
Same, I like the racer back. Will only wear it at home and not scare people with my bat wings.
This looked interesting.
Ex-library book, from Ridglea branch to be precise. Wonder how it ended up here.

I did stop at Goodwill but got bupkis. I did see this guy though. He’s very punk.

Signs say “do not sit on furniture.”

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