After Christmas thrift sales

I hit 3 thrifts last week, the little church run thrift, HIV thrift and prison thrift. They’re different but all are small, support good causes, have good stuff and lower prices than Goodwill and Sally Ann. All three were running after Christmas sales too.

I wanted a side chair to hold crap in my room. It had to be light, small and nothing farmhouse or flimsy. Also cheap and not upholstered. I found all that at the church thrift. Freshly cleaned with bleach and water. $3
HIV thrift half price store, stuff costs half the tag or marked price. The glass bread pan is very heavy and I like the little open handles. 3.49.
The glass water bottle is like the $20 ones I’ve seen at Sprouts. I wanted one because they look neat and your water won’t have that plastic taste. So I was glad to find this. 2.49
I like to think this belonged to J, sister of Andre Leon Talley.
HIV thrift still had some Christmas stuff, this was $2
Prison thrift was having a sale too. Dolce Vita Target shoes. Looks like beadwork. 2.99
Two out of five isn’t bad. We have a 5 in Fontanini nativity that we have been adding to over the years, most of the figures come from the after Christmas sales. This was the first year I didn’t go to the mall and engage in the after Christmas sales. So I was happy to find these guys, they will fit in next year. $2
From the outside racks, there are free boxes too but I’ve never taken anything from them but admit I’ve looked. Outside racks can be a weird mix of clothes and anything that can be hung on a hanger but usually worth a look. .50
The holy grail find. Again, didn’t know I was looking but that is when you find it. I knew I was buying these, no matter what size or price. Fortunately they are my size and they even go with the .50 top. The bleach stain gives it a lived in look, that it’s seen a few seasons. And it has pockets. $4.

From this Christmas. Wings Bear with bear Nativity, didn’t take the Fontanini out this year. Wings Bear and bendy Maple Leafs guy are thrift finds.

New Year’s post (pictures)

My New Year’s Eve was like the previous one– stayed home, watched the countdown on TV and ate a cheeseball. But I knew my usual experience was shared by many others, most who go to parties and didn’t expect to see the new year in at home on their couch. Next year may be normal, with parties and socializing without fear of Covid. I will probably still be at home in my pajamas, on the couch with my cheeseball.

I am working on making my own version of vegetarian chili, mainly beans in sauce. I think I’m getting closer, this time was better than the last but I know there’s still testing to be done.

So it begins, onion and 4 cloves garlic in olive oil.
Canned beans.. 2 cans black, one kidney beans. One can of black beans was draining when I took this. The beans were not thrifted but bought on sale for 25 cents a can. Sort of counts. I bought a dozen cans.
My splurge, these are a little more than a quarter a can but worth it. Also bought on sale, stocked up. They’ve been waiting for this.
The spices. I used the Williams packet and smoked paprika sparingly. I used a lot, about a couple of tablespoons, of the other three. Not seen, some salt and pepper.
Optional, added near the end. I love cilantro but some people don’t. Since it was my chili I added a tablespoon and a few shakes.
Result. I added too much water so it looks more like bean soup than chili but it tastes good. I call it a win.
I don’t advocate using expired ingredients but nothing smelled or moved so I went ahead and took my chances. I used up most of the bag then threw the rest away.
Looks okay, fingers crossed.
Tastes good. I used butter instead of oil for color and because butter makes everything better.
My favorite kitchen tool.
Aldi’s didn’t have chocolate bread for almost two weeks and those were a couple of hard weeks. So when I saw these in the store I grabbed two. These little guys have helped me get through the pandemic and I really missed them.
Happy that Hallmark chose a goalie for this year’s ornament. Jordan Binnington ornament and tiny Chewbacca. After Christmas sale, half price. Not thrifted but close enough.